August 05, 2007

Camping Night (Wahoo!)

Some friends and I slept in the great outdoors a couple nights ago. It was buggy, even in our tents, because of our constant zipping and unzipping of the them. Thanks to my friend Emma's portable DVD player, we watched "Pride and Prejudice", in my opinion, a very good movie. There were Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks, Lemonade, and Pizza flavored Goldfish. We went to bed at 1:15a.m. and we had a blast! We woke up around 8:00 and felt like we should still be sleeping. All and all, we were tired, happy campers.


MelissaKnits said...

I think you should call this blog "SnozberryCamps,WebDesigns,CollectsFuzzyThingsButRarelyKnits".

Pride and Prejudice ROCKS. Which one did you watch? The one with Kiera Knightly?

Persnickety Knitter said...

Sounds like it was mostly a "junk food and movies" night.

Chip said...

Yeah, you were really roughing it out there ....

Glad you had fun, pumpkin.