I learned how to crochet! My mom taught me a little while ago. When I first started I really stank, but now I'm a little better. All you do is use a cotton yarn and do single crochet stitch. I love the colors of the yarn. It's so pretty. I just got some other cotton yarn from my mom that's like a brightish green, light blue, and a dark blue. It's really pretty too. I made a little scarf for one of my many stuffed animals out of it a little while ago. I'm thinking of posting a picture of it soon. I might make a washcloth out of that yarn too.
Hey there!!! I'm very impressed! This is my first time seeing your blog... very cool. I love the dish cloth (and the dog poncho.. very cute!) Great job!
snozberry, i love the wash cloth. if you make one for me, i promise i will use it!! i agree with you that the colors are wonderful. you are a clever girl. will you teach me to crochet?
wow! what do think you will make next with your crochet?
of course, i am a knitter (mostly), but i think it's great that you do both. i love the doggy poncho!
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